Thursday, May 5, 2011

Windows 7 Operating System Security

An operating system is always developed keeping in mind the advantages and disadvantages of the microprocessors of that time. The hardware should always be at par with the software and vice versa. I am actually trying to point at the 64 bit implementation of the Windows 7 on Intel Core vPro processors. Windows 7 has gone through a Security Development Life Cycle or SDL in which technical aspects were taken into account. To get assistance on computer security, consult a tech support expert. Let us discuss the outcome and implementation of it as seen in the operating system.

1) Data Execution Prevention or the DEP feature of the OS executes the ED it or the Execute disable bit in Intel Processors against computer viruses that uses the buffer-flow technique for corrupting the computer.

2) Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) is another worry factor for those hackers who target specific memory address locations. Imagine that the critical areas of your hard drive where data and other system files reside are being hacked to the level of specific addresses but if the address locations are randomized then no matter where the data resides, it will be difficult for any malicious code to detect it and bring harm to the computer. Cool idea isn't it?

3) Safe Structured Exception Handling. What is that? Well, an exception is a situation which is other than natural and needs to be taken care in a specific manner. This, in programmed structures are done in a specific way so that subroutines are robust enough when due to a virus infection or system file corruption an unwanted situation arise in a computer.

4) Do not forget the Kerberos v5 a protocol for encryption that is used to send passwords over the internet. The question is why should we do so? The answer is that even when you are logging into a website you need to put a password which is again using the internet as the carrier.

5) There are a number of tools which enables us to look after the health of the operating system like the Event Viewer and the UAC (User Account Control) which gives you the required security and at the same time better tools to dive into the changes that went on in the recent past and created the problem you are facing now with the computer.

All said and done, the question still arises as to why do we still get virus infections in our computer? The answer is that no machine in this world is fully perfect and the war between the good and the bad continues no matter whether one wins the temporary game against the other or not. The malicious-code writers are still there. Consult a good technician for total PC maintenance and virus removal. It is not always the branded antivirus software that can give you total security form malicious code. The wireless connectivity between your router and the computer, encrypting your mails, configuring your antivirus cum firewall are some simple ways that actually serves your purpose.

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